Thursday, December 20, 2007

Computer Disassembly Project

In class, we had to disassemble an old computer. The name of the computer I had to disassemble was called Compaq Deskpro – Intel Pentium II with serial no. 6923 CNS2 B959 which was apparent outside of the computer case. The computer had obvious components like a floppy drive, CD, and network port. First I had to disassemble the computer and the top lid had to be removed for the internal components to be seen. Then, after doing so, everything else could be removed. The CPU contained two RAM sticks. However, in order to remove the floppy drive and CD-ROM, the front panel had to be taken off first. The CPU had no sound card, speaker, and cooling fins. Overall, this was a good way to probe into the internal aspect of a CPU and a beneficial hands-on learning experience.

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